Water Trails Program

For canoes, kayaks and other watercraft

Russian River Water Trail

Canoes and Kayaks can travel the Russian River from Cloverdale to Jenner.  EcoRing advocates making multi-day watercraft trips possible by providing haul-outs with restroom, and secure overnight watercraft storage, picnic tables near available lodging and restaurants.

Goal: Water Trail from Cloverdale to Jenner.

Status:  EcoRing is assessing haulouts and potential haulouts along the length of the Russian River.  EcoRing will evaluate the services needed at each existing site and will do a gap analysis.  With this data in hand, we will make recommendations to the County Parks for improvements.

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Petaluma River Water Trail

EcoRing partners with the Friends of the Petaluma River promoting the construction of watercraft facilities along the Petaluma River from Petaluma to Black Point.  Several jurisdictions control access to the Petaluma River complicating planning and execution .  A water trail that support multi-day travel requires that haulouts have restrooms, picnic tables, and safe watercraft storage near to restaurants and lodging.

Goal:  A water trail from Petaluma Turning Basin to Black Point with accommodations for multi-day travelers.

Status: In 2010 City of Petaluma issued Petaluma River Access and Enhancement Plan, identifying haulouts to be developed along the River within City limits.  Although some of the haulouts included restrooms, none provided safe watercraft storage.  It is not clear whether any of the plan has yet been implemented.