Unprecedented Win for Folsom and Howard

Yesterday, after hours of public testimony, the SF Municipal Transportation (SFMTA) Board of Directors approved monumental changes to Folsom and Howard, two of our busiest, most dangerous bicycle corridors.

The SFMTA has been working on the Folsom and Howard Streetscape project for several years, gathering community feedback and implementing near-term improvements to inform the best possible long-term design. The years of deep engagement with SF Bicycle Coalition members as well as residents, community leaders and business owners in SoMa were evident in the outpouring of support at the approval hearing.

Lian Ladia, community engagement organizer with the SoMa Community Action Network (SOMCAN), drew attention to the pedestrian safety elements of the project, including increased pedestrian lighting, sidewalk bulb-outs and midblock crossings. “This is so important based on the continued research and actions of SOMCAN’s youth program in pedestrian and night safety,” she said.

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