Marin Authority Speaks Up for Electric Vehicles and Alternative Fuels


By Mel Barnard

The Transportation Authority of Marin (TAM) has exciting—or rather, electrifying news to share. Agencies around Marin are adding Electric Vehicles to their fleet and upgrading or installing equipment appropriately for that change.

Transitioning to electric can drive positive change in your life. On a personal level, you don’t have to worry about oil changes, you can save $1,200 a year on fuel and maintenance, electricity is cheaper than gasoline by a significant margin, etc. Transitioning also helps the community by driving more local spending with gas savings and putting safer vehicles on the road. Electric Vehicles also cut out tailpipe emissions and reduce ecological damages to our climate.

TAM has created resources for those looking to transition to more sustainable fuel vehicles as well as information for the community at large.  Some of these resources are linked below, but you can find out even more information on their site.