State Funds Allocated to Ross Valley Flood Project

Tony Williams
Principal Civil Engineer
Public Works

$7.6 million grant will ensure progress for Corte Madera Creek plan

San Rafael, CA – The Marin County Board of Supervisors has taken the next step toward formally reallocating a $7.6 million California Department of Water Resources grant to the Corte Madera Creek Flood Risk Management Project. The amount represents more than half of the estimated $13.5 million cost of the project’s first phase.

A concrete water channel alongside Frederick Allen Park in Ross.

The allocation is part of a process that began in June 2017 with the Ross Valley Flood Control Zone 9 Advisory Board recommending the shift of the state funds from a potential Phoenix Lake project, which was deemed infeasible because of costs and other restrictions associated with the grant, to the planned project. A revised state grant agreement reflecting the change is expected to be presented at the Marin County Flood Control and Water Conservation District Board of Supervisors in May.The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) is the lead agency for the overall project, which will be separated into two phases. Facilitated by the state funding, the Marin County Flood Control and Water Conservation District, which is the acting local agency in partnership with the project’s federal agency, will continue to work with USACE on the state and federal environmental compliance.

The release of the draft project environmental document is anticipated in June 2018, followed by a 45-day public comment period. Two public meetings will be scheduled, one focused on a project update and open dialog with the community, and another during the public comment period to collect input on potential environmental effects. Information on the project status, schedule and how to provide comments will be shared on the Ross Valley Flood Protection & Watershed Program website. The final environmental document is scheduled to be released in December 2018.

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