For years Marin County bicyclists have dreamed of a multi-use pathway connecting from Baltimore Park (on the Heritage Trail) in Larkspur to the Larkspur Ferry Building. A pathway has already been constructed from Baltimore Park to Wornum Dr. on the old NPCRR right-of-way where it ends short of its goal. The gap between Wornum and Corte Madera Creek is owned by Sonoma Marin Rail Transit (SMART) which may wish to use it in the future. The Transportation Authority of Marin (TAM) and SMART have finally executed an agreement to construct the missing link of the trail on SMART property under the condition that SMART may remove the trail if in the future it needs the property. This is unlikely because SMART has no plans to extend south and west. So this is a victory for the bicycle community, will make bicycle commuting and touring easier and make both SMART and the Larkspur Ferry more accessible to bicyclists. This will enhance SMART ridership at the new SMART station presently under construction at Larkspur Landing.
On May 20 of 2016 Larkspur opened a pedestrian/bicycel bridge from the SMART Larkspur Landing station across Sir Francis Drake Blvd. This connoted the bike path to the Larkspur Ferry.
It did not, however, extend across Corte Madera Creek where a historic rail drawbridge now stands. Hopefully the old bridge will remain as a historical monument with a new bridge nearby.