About EcoRing
EcoRing’s mission is to promote eco-tourism and green travel in the San Francisco Bay Area’s Northern Counties. Working with green businesses we promote tourism that protects the environment, improves the economy, and educates both local citizens and tourists about how a healthy environment supports a healthy economy.
Our ecotours will give you an adventure of a lifetime, while supporting the local businesses and organic agriculture of Northern California.
Board Members
Rick Coates, President
Jaime Delgado, Vice-President
Debbie Larson, Treasurer
Randy Johnson
Shirryl Bayless
Derek Bayless
Rick Coates, Executive Director
Niki Bomes, Graphic Arts
Matthew Herriman, Photo Shop Arts
EcoRing’s Goals
Promote economic growth by developing eco-tourism related programs and marketing activities that attract visitors in off-season and mid-week periods.
Facilitate a more sustainable community through the creation and maintenance of the green business program.
Promote stewardship of natural resources by working with local environmental organizations to lower the impact of tourism.
Develop a green transportation network linking tourists to local attractions and businesses.
Advocate for bicycle, equestrian, water trails and hiking trails as well as rail lines connecting the cities of Sonoma and Marin to the San Francisco bay area and Sacramento.
Enhance biking, hiking, equestrian, wind & water sports.
Place way-finding signage to inform visitors and residents of points of interest, geographic and historic sites.
Promote eco-tourism by marketing the North Bay’s varied land and waterscapes and long coastline, green businesses & activity providers.
History of EcoRing
EcoRing incorporated as a nonprofit in 2005 after extensive outreach with the environmental and business communities in western Sonoma County. With the cooperation of the Russian River Chamber of Commerce and several environmental groups, a redevelopment grant from the State was secured. In 2008, during the recession, state redevelopment agencies were terminated. From that time forward Ecoring has depended upon contributions from our business Partners and our citizen Members.
Originally we concentrated on providing an incentive for locally owned hospitality businesses to green their operations by providing marketing for those that sought Green Business Certification.
EcoRing has continued to expand its program and purview. We expanded our focus to promote the infrastructure that will permit tourists to travel without their vehicle. We now have projects advocating for new rail lines; bicycle, hiking and equestrian trails; watercraft facilities and electric car charging stations.
We kicked off these new programs in May of 2011 with the EcoOdyssey 100, a six-day demonstration journey using kayaks, bicycles and railroad motor cars (to promote public support for the SMART train).
Along the route we visited scenic points of interests, enjoyed a barbecue at the Warnecke Ranch, experienced a private jazz performance in Healdsburg, heard presentations by various environmental groups and public officers, enjoyed an electric car show, took in a play at the 6th Stree Playhouse, visited Patrick Amiot’s outdoor and indoor sculptor, enjoyed a book signing by mystery author Sarah Andrews, and celebrated Cinco de Mayo in Roseland, Santa Rosa. The trip hosted many local and state public officials and decision makers. The event received extensive coverage on radio and television and in local publications.
We have expanded our Green Business Certification program by sponsoring EcoRing Green Business Forums adding a Green Business Resources page on our website and expanding our certification program to include “bicycle-friendly certification”, “electric car certification”, “watercraft-friendly certification” and “equestrian-friendly certification”. We expanded our geographic purview to include business Partners in San Francisco, Marin and Solano counties in addition to Sonoma County.
Our Friends:
Sonoma County Bicycle Coalition
Marin County Bicycle Coalition